The Goat and Sheep Utilisation Farmers Association of Nigeria (GASUFAN) National Coordinator has explained that Covid-19 caused death and affected the goat farming business in Nigeria.
Prince Adedeji Adewale
made this known in an interview session with our correspondent, explaining the
effect of the pandemic in recent months.
"Yes Covid
pandemic has taken its toll on the enterprise culminating in the sudden death
of animals, low market drive, death of quality animals etc", he lamented.
He added that the
association is keen to providing help for farmers as their qualified Veterinary
doctors go around cluster groups to provide help and new measures to goat
"Nigeria Institute
of Animal Science (NIAS) organized a one day workshop on the new trends in goat
and sheep enterprise as part of mitigating measures and for now our qualified
Vet doctors are going round our cluster groups to introduce new measures and
enforcement of bio-security to forestall further damage to the management of
these animals." he explained.
Speaking on the high
prices of goat and sheep in the market, Prince Adewale pointed to the outbreak
of Covid as one of the significant reasons but not all.
"Covid-19 is
prevalent agreed but the cost of feeding and availability of feed components is
low and with risk." he added.
He also explained that
they are currently yet to receive any assistance from both the federal or State
"Not yet and we
have not seek for any for now." he concluded.
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