Minister Of State Advocates for Collaborative Effort in Livestock Industry to Tackle Climate Change and Other Challenges - LivestockTrend


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Thursday 2 November 2023

Minister Of State Advocates for Collaborative Effort in Livestock Industry to Tackle Climate Change and Other Challenges

 The Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Security, Sen. Aliyu Sabi Abdullahi, CON, has emphasized the need for enhanced collaboration among stakeholders in the livestock sub-sector to tackle the challenges affecting food and nutrition security in the nation.

This statement was made during the opening ceremony of the 59th Congress and Annual General Meeting of the National Veterinary Medical Association of Nigeria (NVMA) in Lagos State. The event, centered around the theme, “The Changing Spectrum of the Global Economy and Need for Professions to Align with Global realities,” was deemed highly relevant in light of the current challenges facing the country and the world.

The Minister highlighted issues such as climate change, increased outbreaks of transboundary animal diseases, emerging and re-emerging zoonotic diseases, natural disasters, insecurity, and persistent farmers-herders clashes as factors impacting the livelihoods of people and posing threats to global peace, as well as food and nutritional security.

He recalled the various impediments to economic growth, including the threat of pandemics, worsening impacts of climate change, and slow income growth, all of which pose challenges to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as poverty eradication, ending hunger, and promoting economic growth.

Sen. Abdullahi underscored the government's commitment to prioritizing food security, economic growth, poverty eradication, and inclusiveness, aligning with the President's Renewed Hope Agenda. The Ministry has developed a comprehensive roadmap to enhance national food security and is mobilizing stakeholders to address the current food crises.

He noted that the livestock sub-sector, contributing about 10% to the National GDP and 25% to Agricultural GDP, holds significant potential for growth. However, this potential has been underutilized due to factors like prevalent animal diseases and insufficient improvement in the genetic potential of livestock.

The Minister emphasized the need to harness the sub-sector's potential fully, which can provide ample meat, milk, eggs, and industrial raw materials. He also highlighted the Ministry's efforts in improving animal health services, including the development of national policies and strategic plans for disease control.

Sen. Abdullahi disclosed plans for a National Agriculture and Food Security Summit in November 2023, encouraging veterinary professionals to actively contribute to addressing disease outbreaks for the nation's development objectives.

In support, the Executive Governor of Lagos State, represented by the State Commissioner for Agriculture, expressed the state's commitment to elevate agriculture and food systems as the cornerstone of the economy.

The National President of NVMA emphasized the shared commitment of the association to ensure food safety and promote animal health and welfare, seeing the event as a platform to elevate the veterinary profession.

The event also featured the inspection of the exhibition pavilion by the Hon. Minister, Executive Governor, and other dignitaries.

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