FAO's AnGR Group Requests for Relevant Topics as Group Gears Up for Regional Capacity Building Events in 2024-2025 - LivestockTrend


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Friday, 10 November 2023

FAO's AnGR Group Requests for Relevant Topics as Group Gears Up for Regional Capacity Building Events in 2024-2025

Photo credit: Guardian Nigeria

In a significant stride towards enhancing global agricultural capabilities, the Animal Genetics Resources Group at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is set to organize multiple regional capacity-building events in 2024 and 2025, thanks to the generous support and wisdom of the Government of Germany.

In a recent correspondence, Paul Boettcher, of the Animal Production and Health Division at FAO, extended gratitude for Germany's support and announced the intention to seek valuable insights from member countries of the DAD-Net (Domestic Animal Diversity Information System Network) regarding the choice of topics for these training events.

The training sessions are designed to target a key individual from each country, either the nominated National Coordinator for the Management of Animal Genetic Resources or another individual proposed by the National Focal Point. This inclusive approach aims to ensure that the chosen topics are not only pertinent but also practical, enabling the National Coordinator or Focal Point to subsequently train other stakeholders within their respective countries.

Boettcher emphasized the importance of active participation from all DAD-Net members in the discussion, encouraging them to propose and comment on topics that hold either current significance or are expected to gain greater importance in the future.

To tailor the training events to specific regional needs, participants are urged to indicate their respective countries when contributing to the discussion. This collaborative effort seeks to leverage the collective wisdom of the DAD-Net community in shaping the content of the capacity-building programs.

As FAO looks forward to the impactful outcomes of these events, the engagement of member countries in proposing and discussing topics reflects a commitment to addressing the evolving challenges and opportunities in the management of animal genetic resources on a global scale.

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