AfDB Aids Zambian Small-Scale Livestock Farmers in Climate Adaptation - LivestockTrend


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Friday, 17 November 2023

AfDB Aids Zambian Small-Scale Livestock Farmers in Climate Adaptation

The African Development Bank's Climate Resilient Livestock Management Project, conducted in Zambia from 2017 to 2022, played a crucial role in empowering small-scale livestock farmers to confront the challenges of climate change. According to the Project Completion Report released on November 2, 2023, the initiative successfully increased the percentage of households with year-round access to sufficient water for their animals from 48% to an impressive 89%.

The positive impact extended beyond water availability, with 96.7% of households adopting new milk production practices, resulting in improved nutritional benefits for both adults and children. Additionally, the project facilitated the production of hay by 122% of households through the cultivation and preservation of animal feed.

Funded by a $6.21 million grant from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the project complemented the $18 million ADF-financed Livestock Infrastructure Support Project, enhancing climate resilience in livestock management. The initiative supported various activities aimed at promoting investment in livestock and building farmers' capacity to adapt to climate change.

Key achievements include the development and restoration of 3,763 hectares of degraded meadows, distribution of 5,640 livestock units through the pass-on-a-gift restocking program, creation of 617 hectares of sustainable pasture, construction of 112 kilometers of fire-break roads, development of 258 community village land-use plans, and the installation of 45 solar-powered boreholes to provide water access to livestock farmers.

To address environmental concerns, the project equipped six livestock farms with biogas digesters, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Capacity-building activities and awareness campaigns on climate change adaptation were implemented, encompassing training in biogas digester construction, sustainable land-use management, fodder conservation, and climate risk assessment for livestock farmers.

The project also focused on income diversification by training local artisans in manufacturing livestock farming equipment. Various knowledge adaptation products, including documentary videos on the livestock pass-on scheme and the impacts of climate change on animal production, were produced.

Gender mainstreaming was a priority, with over 40% of the project's beneficiaries being women. Women's groups received training and participated in climate-resilient livestock restocking programs through the pass-on scheme.

Notable improvements in income levels and livestock production were acknowledged by Mr. Gethings Chisule, the Government Provincial Coordinator for Northern Province. Raubil Durowoju, African Development Bank Country Manager for Zambia, emphasized the project's contribution to climate resilience and adaptation among farmers, thanking stakeholders for their support.

Ms. Naboth Zulu, a member of the Musa Dairy Cooperative in Kasama District, highlighted the tangible benefits of receiving two heifer-dairy animals through the pass-on scheme. These animals, producing an average of 18 liters of milk daily, have not only generated income for education and food but have significantly improved the livelihoods of Ms. Zulu's family.

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