Africa swine fever (ASF): More measures installed to control virus as cases continues to surge in Brandenburg - LivestockTrend


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Monday, 5 October 2020

Africa swine fever (ASF): More measures installed to control virus as cases continues to surge in Brandenburg

Additional measures to control the spread of African swine fever by decreasing the wild boar population and also to find as well as test dead animals in Brandenburg have been announced as the number of confirmed cases of ASF continues to increase.


This was announced after three more cases of ASF were confirmed in wild boar in the region over the

weekend, taking the total to 49. The three confirmed cases were discovered around the area where the original outbreak was confirmed on September 10, 2020.


New protection zones have been set up since then, as new outbreaks have emerged, including one in the north of the state 60km away from the original outbreak and perhaps thought not be related to it. Findings are indicating that the virus has been circulating in wild boar in the state at least since early July.


According to reports, Brandenburg Consumer Protection Minister Ursula Nonnemacher has now ordered additional measures to control the virus beyond the existing protection zones.


These measures include increased hunting across the state in order to reduce the wild boar population and an even more intensive search and examination of dead ones. The Minister has said this step was of utmost necessity.


In a press release, by the Brandenburg’s Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Integration and Consumer Protection, which states that in all administrative districts of the state outside the existing ASP restriction zones, those authorised to hunt should carry out the following measures:


Area-wide increased hunting to reduce the wild boar population


Increased search for dead wild boars (fall game search)


Display, labeling and sampling for the virological examination of every wild boar found dead, including accidental game.


Hunters are being offered a €50 expense allowance by the state for finding dead wild boar, reporting and taking a sample


According to reports, domestic pig herds remain free from the virus.

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