Despite Lock down, Milk Supplies to Continue in India Says India NDDB - LivestockTrend


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Sunday, 5 April 2020

Despite Lock down, Milk Supplies to Continue in India Says India NDDB

India proceeded on a lock down on March 25, 2020 following a national directive in efforts to minimize the spread of Corona virus within the country.

India's National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) has called on all dairy cooperatives to ensure milk and dairy supply for the next three weeks.

The Gujarat Board of Directors said in a statement, “Considering the dairy cooperatives account for bulk of the organised liquid milk supply to consumers, it is important that they make all the necessary arrangements to ensure supply of milk and milk products to consumers in this unprecedented situation created by COVID-19 virus.”
Source: Justdial

 “In view of the present COVID-19 pandemic, NDDB has made an appeal to all dairy cooperatives across the country to take essential measures for continued supply of milk and milk products so as to avoid situations of panic buying by consumers.” In case of any difficulty in maintaining the dairy supply chain, the concerned dairy cooperatives are advised to contact the local authorities.” said NDDB Chairman DilipRath.

This comes after a decision by the Karnataka Cooperative Milk Federation (KMF), owner of the famous dairy brand Nandini, to cut milk exports to neighboring countries after the borders were sealed to stop the migrants. Thereby creating difficulties to get milk to consumers.

The KMF also said that demand has also decreased in these countries due to the temporary closure of hotels and restaurants.

The dairy cooperatives have also sought to take appropriate measures to ensure the proper collection, cooling, transport and processing of milk and the availability of animal feed in the villages, said Rath.

The foreclosure measures announced by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) can drain most sources of income for people in rural areas. Therefore, the milk business could prove to be the only economic means for millions of dairy producers, the statement added.

Although all commercial and private facilities have been closed, dairy and milk booths are allowed as essential services. Livestock arrangements can continue. Cold storage and storage services are permitted. Transportation and other logistics services in this regard are also exempt, said Rath.

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