Chickens Not Susceptible to Corona virus. - LivestockTrend


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Thursday 23 April 2020

Chickens Not Susceptible to Corona virus.

Various research institutes around the world are currently investigating whether Corona virus, originally believed to be from bats, can infect other animals. The first results of the Friedrich-Loeffler Institute showed that neither chickens nor pigs are susceptible.

In infection studies, animals were nasally inoculated with SARS-CoV-2 to mimic the natural route of infection in humans. It was examined whether the animals were infected, whether the pathogen was reproducing, and whether the animals showed symptoms of the disease.

Chickens and pigs were not found to be susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection in experimental conditions. According to the current state of knowledge, they are not affected by the virus and therefore does not pose a potential risk to human health. A complete evaluation of all test series will take some time, with final results expected in early May.

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