Early Fluke Treatment Achieves Better Growth Rate - LivestockTrend


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Friday 2 November 2018

Early Fluke Treatment Achieves Better Growth Rate

by Kayode Oladipo

Recent studies conducted at FAI Farms in Oxfordshire have shown that delayed fluke treatment in cattle results in lower growth rates and financial returns when compared with cattle treated early.

The study involved three groups of cattle, one treated with a combined worm and fluke treatment at housing, the second group was treated with a single acting fluke treatment after housing and the third group was given no treatment.

Results of the study revealed that cattle who were treated with a combined worm and fluke treatment at housing weighed over 3kg more after 4-8 weeks when compared with cattle who were just treated after housing using single-acting fluke treatment. The third group which remained untreated experienced a decline in production as a result of subclinical diseases which are caused by high fluke loads.

Zoetis vet, Dr. Dave Armstrong explained that the extra growth rate experience in cattle treated at housing is as a result of reduced fluke burdens achieved because such early treatment cleans out endoparasites including fluke and facilities better growth rates. Cattle infected with fluke can take over 80 days longer than healthy cattle to reach market weight.

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