African poultry market: Rabobank Overview - LivestockTrend


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Friday 22 June 2018

African poultry market: Rabobank Overview

“The potential is there, but the yields are low.” Animal protein specialist, Nan-Dirk Mulder remarked summarily at the Invest in Africa conference held at Viv, Europe. He stressed the opportunity for investors which had presented itself due to the African trend of urbanization, why? “The city people need agriculture”.

This “potential” in Mr. Mulder’s speech mostly focused on the poultry industry and its subsidiaries like the feed production industry.  He cited several opportunities in Africa particularly in the top ten growing industries on the continent which are: Nigeria, Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire, Uganda, Senegal, Angola, Malawi, Rwanda, Kenya and Ethiopia. These industries are expected to grow by about 6-10% in the next decade.

Among the areas cited for investment and opportunities are:
•    Short production cycle of poultry and potential profit in six weeks
•    Easy financing of chicken, which is considered as a cheap source of protein
•    Growth of chain restaurants which require poultry products
•    Feed grains production, which are an important element in the value chain.
•    Poultry processing, as about 80-90% of the poultry meat in Africa is via the sale of live birds.
•    Establishment of hatcheries to stimulate the market.

He also stressed the need for individual governments to focus on their local poultry industries as majority of the meat consumed in the continent are from cheap imports from countries such as the US, Brazil and the European Union.

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