INNOVATION: Cooling pads are developed for sows at Purdue University - LivestockTrend


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Sunday 4 March 2018

INNOVATION: Cooling pads are developed for sows at Purdue University

US-based Purdue University has developed personal pig cooling pads, to help them cool down while feeding the litters which are bigger every year.

Allan Schinckel, professor in the Department of Animal Sciences of Purdue University, said: “With increased litter size, sows increase milk production, and they have to eat more feed to produce that milk. That increases body temperature. Modern sows produce 55-70% more heat than sows of the early 1980s.”

Cooling farrowing houses during hot summers

Fans can only do so much to cool farrowing houses during hot summers, so sows pant to reduce their body temperature. Doing so, however, burns calories needed to produce milk for the litter.

“In high humidity, panting employs evaporative cooling in the lungs to reduce body temperature,” Prof Schinckel said. “But when it’s really hot and humid, even panting doesn’t help.”

Aluminium plates on top of copper pipes

The cooling pads were developed by Prof Schinckel and Robert Stwalley, assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. They measure 0.6 m (2 ft) by 1.2 m (4 ft) and consist of aluminium tread plates on top of copper pipes that circulate water. Since there is only room for the sow on the pad, piglets that need to stay warm are off the edge while they feed. Sensors in the pad can determine if the sow is getting too hot and circulate new water, cooling the pad again.

“We have to keep the barns in certain conditions for the piglets or just from an environmental energy standpoint. We can’t air condition pig barns,” Mr Stwalley said. “But we can provide a conductive path under the pad that is enough to cool the animal, but isn’t economically or environmentally counterproductive.”

Only minutes to bring down pig body temperature

Systems that cool entire barn floors can be expensive, requiring entirely new floors. And those systems can take days to cool an entire floor. The cooling pads take minutes to bring down the body temperature of a pig.

“It’s much more efficient than competitive systems out there that might be trying to cool entire floors,” Mr Stwalley said.

In tests up to 35ºC (95ºF), sow respiration dropped from 100 to 120 breaths per minute to 26. “We are cooling the sows down so that they’re far more comfortable,” Stwalley said.


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