Vision & Mission for Livestock for Social Good Foundation - LivestockTrend


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Vision & Mission for Livestock for Social Good Foundation

Livestock For Social Good Foundation

LSG Foundation is a Non-governmental organization working around livestock development in Nigeria and West Africa. Livestock for Social Good Foundation aka MoreMeatMoreMilk Initiative was born out of the urgent need to salvage the fast collapsing livestock sector in Nigeria and the West African coast and intervene in the poor yield and quality of Animal Source Food (ASF) and food products employing relevant technologies, supporting livestock farmers and contributing to livestock development in all possible ways.

Our Mission is to:
       Proliferate better and affordable Animal Source Food (ASF) and food products
       Boost rural-urban livelihood through livestock value chain development
       Support livestock farmers most especially smallholder farmers with relevant technologies, information, skill and connect them with funding opportunities
       Encourage young people and vulnerable women in livestock farming in its simplest form
       Bridge the gap between research institutions most especially the academic institutions and the livestock farmers/professionals/practitioners
       Eradicate poverty by creating more businesses through livestock value chain development and enhanced gender equality

Primary beneficiary of our impact
       Livestock farmers – dairy and beef cattle pastoralist, smallholder livestock farmers and commercial farmers
       Vulnerable women and youths
       Students – Secondary, Undergraduate and post graduate
       Academic and Research institutions

Secondary beneficiary of our impact
       The Environment
       Nigeria and Africa economy
       Rural Settlements
       All and sundry

Livestock Development and the SDGs
SDGs Goal 1 – No poverty:
Livestock provide 3 major pathways out of poverty (1) Securing assets (2) Improving productivity and (3) increasing market participation
Many rural poor rely on livestock

SDGs Goal 2 – Zero Hunger
Food (energy and high value protein)
Traction and fertilizer for crop production

SDGs Goal 3 – Good Health and Wellbeing
Essential Micronutrients, especially for children, women and the elderly
Majority of animal diseases could cause human pandemics

SDGs Goal 4 – Quality Education
A healthy diet is key to learning capacities (e.g school milk programs)
Livestock provides income which supports education

SDGs Goal 5 – Gender equality
Majority of poor livestock keepers are women, especially with small ruminants and poultry
Women have less access to resources (land and capital)

SDGs Goal 8 – Decent work and economic growth
40% of agricultural GDP is provided by livestock

SDGs Goal 10 – Reduced inequalities
Livestock are a source of income, create employment opportunities and provide market participation to poor rural households

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